Our Story


The Nursery is available during our 9:30am classes and the 10:30am worship service

Our Story

In the mid-1950's a handful of Christians in Murfreesboro began studying the Bible to learn more about Scripture, the Lord Jesus Christ and the early church.

Eventually, the Bible study around a dining room table turned into worship  and preaching service at a a Laundromat. In 1959, College Heights Chapel began meeting in a red-brick building on Main St., near MTSU. .  As the church grew, two additions to the building were built and staff members were hired to assist the leadership with programming, teaching, youth, music and office work.

In 2008, with the building at maximum capacity every week, the facility was sold to MTSU and plans for a new building were made. In 2009, the new building was finished on St Andrews Dr. and a grateful congregation moved across town to continue on a as light for the Lord Jesus Christ in Murfreesboro.  Over the years the Lord has blessed this church with many amazing people some have moved on, and some have been here from the very beginning. Every member has made an important and lasting impact on the church. We're a church that is looking forward to many more years of glorifying Jesus, growing in Jesus and going out in Jesus' Name. We'd love to have you join us on this journey!